
Reasons Why People Are Getting An Emergency Short-Term Loan

If you’ve ever come up short on money for necessities, bills, or emergencies, you probably could have benefitted from an emergency short-term loan. A little extra cash goes a long way sometimes, but it can be hard to come by extra cash, especially if you’re already working or drawing benefits because you aren’t able to work.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to get an emergency short-term loan for personal or business purposes. Georgia Auto Pawn, Inc. will give you cash for your car title after a quick approval process. We specialize in title pawns that allow you to keep your vehicle. We only hold the title until the loan is repaid. 

If you have ever been in any of the following situations, an auto pawn could have helped you make it through to another week.

Personal Reasons For Getting Title Pawns

Any individual who owns their vehicle outright and holds a valid driver’s license is eligible to apply for a title pawn. By far, the most common reasons people apply for an emergency short-term loan is for personal ones like those listed below.

1. Health Emergencies

Going to the emergency room, a new medication, or being referred to a specialist can take a toll on your out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Most people don’t anticipate a health emergency, but, unfortunately, unexpected medical expenses are the main reason for bankruptcy in the U.S.

bag of money and time balanced on beam with text Reasons why people are getting an emergency short-term loan

2. Car Accidents

After an accident, you may have injuries that need to be seen about or car repairs to make, whether the accident was your fault or not. You also need a way to get back and forth to work so you don’t lose any time.

3. Home Repairs

Owning a home comes with a long list of maintenance and repair tasks — and that’s when everything is going well. Things like HVAC failure, roof leaks, or an appliance breakdown can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars unexpectedly.

4. Between Jobs

When you’re transitioning from one job to another, you may have a gap between paychecks. But bills like rent, utilities, and groceries keep coming. A title pawn gives you a little breathing room while letting you keep your vehicle to look for a new job.

5. Tuition

Tuition and fees for seminars, classes, or certifications are an investment in your future. But they are also costs that can sneak up on you in the midst of other responsibilities. Keep pushing forward with a short-term loan.

6. Unplanned Travel

Unless you have money saved up to go take care of business or in the event of a death in the family, you may not be able to be present for these important events. And we know some things are just too important to miss.

Business Uses For Title Pawns

It’s not as common to see businesses using title pawns for emergencies, but they certainly can. An emergency short-term loan is given in the name of the car title holder, not the business name, but the business owner may use their extra cash any way they see fit.

Here are a few examples of how someone may use their auto pawn money in relation to their business:

1. Between Sales

Anyone who works on commission, like real estate agents and salespeople, may go for indefinite amounts of time without a paycheck. Getting an auto pawn can bridge the gap from one sale to the next.

2. Supplies

Small businesses sometimes have sporadic cash flow, but it’s necessary to buy supplies so they can offer their customers a consistent product or selection.

3. Bills

Businesses have a lot of bills that vary from month to month. For homeowners, that can mean dollars, but for a business, it could be hundreds. When income doesn’t quite meet expenditures, a title pawn could help you get your business caught up.

Getting Emergency Loans Is Easy

Experts recommend having 3-6 months of living expenses saved up in case of emergencies, but if you’re just starting your savings journey, you may not have enough put back when disaster strikes.

You could end up going bankrupt or lacking necessities for you or your family unless you have access to an emergency short-term loan.

Georgia Auto Pawn, Inc. offers cash for your car title up to $15,000 with a very simple application process.

man happy leaving Georgia Auto Pawn, Inc. with title pawn

All you have to do is fill out our online inquiry form, and we’ll make an appointment to evaluate your vehicle to determine exactly how much you qualify for. After a quick application process, you could see the money in your account the same day or the next business day.

Get An Emergency Short-Term Loan Today

Never fall victim to any of the unfortunate circumstances above. Fill out our online inquiry form or come by one of our convenient locations to get your application started. A representative will work with you personally, handling your auto pawn as discreetly as you desire, so you can get the money you need to handle any emergency. 

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

June Mckaig

June Mckaig writes articles on finance and budgeting, hoping to provide insight amidst the overwhelming crowds of information on the internet. She feels that with all this accessibility comes a lot of false data, and she would like to contribute astute, helpful input that she knows can help others. If you would like to learn more about June's research, read more here.